Saturday, 11 January 2014

My name is Frederick

I am also part of the Stick family. In fact, I am the oldest of all the children. My name is Frederick Stick. I am handsome, responsible and friendly. And yes, I wear glasses, but that doesn't mean I cannot see all the wonderful and beautiful things around me. I can!!  I appreciate them all: the tiny flowers on green grass or beautiful clouds passing by.

My spirit soars whenever I am able to get out of the school and classroom and into nature, even if that nature is a cultivated field and even if I am witnessing it from inside a motor vehicle. I think I find my greatest joy outside the four walls of  a school, a house or any building.

I love my parents, my two sisters Samantha and Emily and my brother Sebastian. We all live happily together in Bronkhorstspruit. 

( Would you like to own me? Please contact Elizabeth.  She will be pleased to help you)


  1. Replies
    1. Glimlag!! Baie dankie Vic, soms hol my verbeelding weg met my!

  2. En wat 'n wonderlike verbeelding! Pragtig Liz, 'n lieflike familie!
